Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yogam

Since pre-historic times Yoga has been practiced as a holistic science and art of healing. The Siddhas (Super Masters of Yoga)) talk about 8.4 million asanas which the most important are 17 standard asanas, plus the Science of Sun Worship. This brings us to the three most important principles of Kriya, Hatha Yoga: (1) practice the asanas in stages (without spraining or straining yourself). (2) practice them in pairs (right handed and left-handed or positive and negative poses) (3) Never, never hold the breath in all activities.

Yoga is a growing science, like all sciences and Babaji has made two major contributions to the growth of Hatha Yoga. These contributions are: (1) Asanas Kriyas  or exercises and (two) practicing them in pairs, which saves a lot of time and enables one to practice a number of Asanas within a few minutes in a busy world where time is a great asset.

Guidance from Yogiar,  (Yogi S. A. A. Ramaiah) when practicing Babaji’s Kriya Hatha Yogam


  1. Kriya Pose of Salutation /  Kriya Asana Vanakum

  2. Science of Sun Worship/  Kriya Jnayuru Vanakam 

  • Deepam jyoti parabrahman

    Deepam sarvam tamobagam

    Deepanyaa sathyathey sarvam

    Jnayuru deepam namosthuthey

    Kaali deepam namosthuthey

    Ucchi deepam namosthuthey

    Santhyaa deepam namosthuthey

    Nisi deepam namosthuthey

    Ambu deepam namosthuthey

    Ahimsa deepam namosthuthey

    Asana deepam namosthuthey

    Prana deepam namosthuthey

    Dhyana deepam namosthuthey

    Jnana deepam namosthuthey

    Mantra deepam namosthuthey

    Bhakti deepam namosthuthey

    Babaji deepam namosthuthey

    Annai deepam namosthuthey

    Amman deepam namosthuthey

    Yogiar deepam namosthuthey

    Yoga deepam namosthuthey


3. Integral Shoulder Stance / Sarvangasanum

4. Fish Pose - Meenasanam


5. Standing Crane - Ninra Kokku Asanam

6. Bow Pose - Villasanam


7. Topsy Turvy Pose - Vibareethakarani Asanam

8. Half Fish Pose - Paathi Meenasanam


9. Plough Pose - Kalapie Asanam

10. Serpent Pose - Paamboo Asanam


11. Yogic Symbol Pose - Yoga Mudra Asanam

12. Half Wheel Pose - Paathi Chakra Asanam


13. Sitting Crane Pose - Amarntha Kokkuasanam

14. Locust Pose - Vittil Asanam


15. Supine Pose of Firmness and Light - Uruthi Oli Mudrasanam

16. Kneeling Pose of Firmness - Mandi Uruthi Asanam


17. Triangle Pose - Mukonasanam

18. Pose of Complete Peace and Relaxation - Poorna Shava Shanti Asanam

  • Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

    Shalom Sat Nam

    Sadhu Tao

    Em Um Spirit


    Kami Amin Amen Omen

    Selah Aum Osah Jah Gi Jios

    Aku Nu Rah Papa Aum